ChatGPT: Retaining Copy/Pasted formatting and Removing Backgrounds in Google Docs and Gmail

2 min readDec 14, 2023


I admit it..

As a regular Medium reader and a tech enthusiast, I’ve got a confession to make: I rely heavily on ChatGPT for answering most of my emails. It’s efficient, quick, and surprisingly intuitive. But, there’s a catch that often throws a wrench in the works — the dreaded formatting chaos when transferring text from ChatGPT to Google Docs or Gmail.

The Common Struggle with ChatGPT Outputs

Let’s address the elephant in the room: Copying and pasting content from ChatGPT into Google Docs or Gmail can be a formatting nightmare. The key question, “ChatGPT: How to copy/paste while keeping good formatting and remove background?” is something I’ve asked myself numerous times. After grappling with mismatched fonts, broken layouts, and intrusive backgrounds, I knew there had to be a better way.

Introducing My Web Tool:

Determined to find a solution, I put on my developer hat and created a web tool designed to ease this specific pain point. Let’s dive into how this tool is a game-changer, keeping things simple and jargon-free.

Keeping Formatting Intact and remove grey Backgrounds

  1. Stealthy and Efficient: Picture a ninja, but in the digital realm. That’s my tool in a nutshell. It quietly sifts through the HTML elements of your ChatGPT output, identifying and rectifying any formatting anomalies and eradicating unexpected background colors.
  2. A Clean, Cohesive Look: Those pesky code blocks or oddly highlighted sections that throw off your email’s vibe? They’re no match for my tool. It seamlessly integrates them into your document, ensuring a uniform look throughout.
  3. Preserving What Matters: While the tool works its magic, it smartly discerns what needs to stay. Key formatting elements like font size and style remain intact. After all, clarity and professionalism in communication are key.
  4. Adaptable and Versatile: This tool is not limited to one specific function. Whether it’s paragraphs, bold text, or those hidden buttons, it treats each element uniquely, ensuring they align with the aesthetics of Google Docs and Gmail.
  5. Redefining Table Formatting: Tables often bear the brunt of formatting issues, but not anymore. The tool ensures your tables are well-defined, clean, and maintain a professional appearance, even when pasted into different applications.

Available here — — — — — — — — (bookmark it !)

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Developer & Cofounder @Metagora || Bridging creativity and technology through writing, art, and digital exploration.